If you have found yourself asking this question in the past, then you are going to want to read Miriam's take on the potential pitfalls involved in tackling PR in-house.
Has the upscale steak house category nailed the concept of customer value? Haas sure thinks so, and he'll tell you what you can learn from their formula of success.
Marketing vs. Legal: The Battle Over TrademarksMay 28, 2010
"Perhaps the most unappreciated friction that can occur within the ranks of today's foodservice enterprises" says Michael "is that which arises between Marketing personnel and Legal counsel over the cost of legally protecting new advertising slogans." Michael covers the issue from both angles and hits all the important points to help your restaurant address how to best handle your next catchy marketing lingo.
The Why, What and How of WOWMay 24, 2010
We want WOW. When we find it we run in droves to indulge in its magnificent, silky perfection and spend a premium for the privilege. Oh, the allure of WOW.
Using Creativity to Make Your Restaurant Irresistible to FamiliesMay 2, 2010
Most family restaurants cater only to the needs of adults. By using a little creativity, you can gain a big advantage over your competitors by catering to every member of the family, including young kids.