Building a Business Right: Conversation with Glenn Cybulski (Ep 15)

publication date: Mar 13, 2017
author/source: Jaime Oikle with Glenn Cybulski

Glenn CybulskiJaime has an in-depth conversation with Glenn Cybulski, co-founder of Persona Wood-Fired Pizzeria, a 7-location franchise with locations in several states around the country.

It's a must-listen session covering a wide range of tips across the spectrum of restaurant operations, including...

  • How being different is important to your restaurant
  • How to approach local marketing when looking to build your customer base
  • What social channels to use online
  • How to bake profits into your operation with effective systems
  • How your location and lease structure will impact the success of your restaurant
  • Why so many established restaurants are closing today and what to do about it
  • Why it's important to have role models in the business
  • and more...

Quotes & thoughts I loved from the call...

  • "You have to have confidence in your product."
  • "We always start with guerilla marketing in a new location to build anticipation."
  • "The bottom line is that Facebook works for businesses, period."
  • "Make offers -- don't ask, don't get."
  • "I've failed before...and this is why you need to listen to me..."
  • "Your restaurant needs to be boring." (make sure you catch this part...)
  • "If you're putting out fires all the time, then you're not able to build your business."
  • "If you're standing still, you're going backwards in this business."
  • "What are people going to think about you when deciding where to eat out?"
  • "Watch the pennies...the dollars will follow..."

Persona Pizza